ANOTHER ARTWORK FOR MY SHOP. Original and prints available.

This is a coloured pencil drawing that I completed a few years ago. The Nelson School of music (now the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts) is a building and an institution that I have had close associations with for over 30 years as a piano and flute teacher, performer, conductor and now director of the ORCHESTRAL PATHWAYS PROGRAMME. It was quite a challenge to draw due to all the architectural details. I took a few artistic liberties by removing some foreground objects that were blocking a full view of this historically significant building.

I am putting the original up for sale ($550) and also offering very high quality limited edition, signed prints prints at $90 each. The prints are produced at Copyart in Richmond and the quality is unbelievable! Every detail is captured with absolute accuracy to the point that (apart from size) I really can’t tell the difference between the original and the print. These will be available to purchase in my shop shortly.

The Nelson School of Music Auditorium: Coloured pencil on Bristol Board